Thursday, September 2, 2021



-         Inviting someone to do something



Let’s …

(Mari kita/ayo kita…)

Let’s walk together to school. (Ayo kita jalan bareng ke sekolah.)

Why don’t you … ?

(Mengapa kamu tidak … ?)

Why don’t you join our club. (Mengapa kamu tidak bergabung dengan klub kita?)

Would you ... ?

(Maukah kamu…?)

Would you come to the event with us? (Maukah kamu datang ke acara itu bersama kami?)

Do you want to … ?

(Apakah kamu mau …?)

Do you want to go there with me? (Apakah kamu mau pergi ke sana bersamaku?)


-         Accepting the invitation

  • Sure, no problem
  • Good idea. Let’s go.
  • I’d love to. Thank you
  • Ok, thank you.


-         Declining the invitation

  • I’d love to, but I’m very tired. Let’s do it tomorrow.
  • Sorry, but I have to do something now.
  • Sorry, I can’t. I have to meet someone now.
  • I’d like to, but I have promised to go with Nana.


-         Sample dialogue

Siti : Lina, it’s break time. Stop working. Let’s go out for some fresh air. (Lina, ini waktu istirahat. Berhentilah bekerja. Ayo keluar mencari udara segar.)

Lina : Ok. A little bit more. Just wait a minute, please. (Baiklah. Sedikit lagi. Tolong tunggu sebentar.)

Siti : Ok.



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