Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Exercise : My Cat

I have a pet cat. Its name is Yuno. It’s white and grey in color. It has lovely brown eyes. It is very soft and furry. It eats fish and drinks milk. Yuno plays with me when I come back from school. It likes to play ball in the garden. It loves me and shows its love by licking me. It sleeps in a small basket near my bed. I love my pet very much and take care of it.

Choose the right answer of the four options!

1.    What does Yuno look like?
(Seperti apakah Yuno?)
a. White and brown
b. Soft and furless
c. Soft and furry
d. White and black
2.    When does the writer play with Yuno?
(Kapan penulis bermain dengan Yuno?)
a. When the writer goes to school
b. When the writer comes back from school
c. Every time the writer sees yuno
d. Every night
3.    Which of the following statement is not true from the text?
(Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang tidak benar dari teks?)
a. The writer dislikes cats
b. The writer loves cats
c. Yuno has lovely brown eyes
d. Yuno is very soft and furry
4.    Where does Yuno sleep?
(Dimana Yuno tidur?)
a. In a small basket far from the writer’s bed
b. In a small basket under the writer’s bed
c. In a small basket near the writer's bathtub
d. In a small basket close to the writer’s bed
5.    How does Yuno show its love to the writer?
(Bagaimana Yuno menunjukkan cintanya kepada penulis?)
a. By biting the writer
b. By licking the writer
c. By clawing the writer
d. By wagging its tail to the writer
6.    It likes to play ball in the garden.” The underlined word refers to....
("Ia suka bermain bola di kebun." Apa yang dimaksud/dirujuk/ditunjuk oleh kata yang digarisbawahi?)
a. Yuno
b. The writer
c. The writer and Yuno
     d. The writer’s rabbit


  1. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. c. In a small basket near the writer's bathtub
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno

    1. Very good!
      Your score : 86
      You're wrong at no. 4
      Keep spirit on studying!

  2. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. c. In a small basket near the writer's bathtub
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno

  3. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. d. In a small basket close to the writer's bed
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno

  4. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. d. In a small basket close to the writer's bed
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno

  5. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. d. In a small basket close to the writer's bed
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno

  6. 1. c. Soft and furry
    2. b. When the writer comes back from school
    3. a. The writer dislikes cats
    4. d. In a small basket close to the writer's bed
    5. a. By licking the writer
    6. a. Yuno
