Monday, April 13, 2020

Exercise : My Bedroom

My bedroom is my favorite place. I spend a lot of time there. There are two bookcases full of books because I really love reading. I have a comfortable lounge chair where I usually read my books. There are two windows and two beautiful lamps. I have a television on the small table. I always watch the news on television. I put the plants on the left and right side of the television in order to get my bedroom looks beautiful and fresh. There is a soft large square bed. I spread a thick white blanket on it. I always feel warm when in my bedroom.

Choose the right answer of the four options!

1.    What is the purpose of the text?
(Apakah tujuan teks tersebut?)
     A. To retell the past event
     B. To entertain the readers
     C. To describe the writer’s bedroom
     D. To give instruction

2.    How many bookcases are there in the writer’s bedroom?
(Berapa banyak rak buku yang ada di dalam kamar tidur penulis?)
     A. 4             C. 2
     B. 3             D. 1

3.    What does the writer’s bed look like?
(Seperti apa bentuk tempat tidur penulis?)
     A. It is a soft large round bed
     B. It is a soft large square bed
     C. It is a soft small square bed
     D. It is a thick white bed

4.    Where does the writer put the plants?
(Di mana penulis meletakkan tanaman?)
     A. On the left and right side of the television
     B. On the left and right side of the bed
     C. In front of the television
     D. Behind the television

5.    “I spread a thick white blanket on it.” What does the underlined word refer to?
("Saya membentangkan selimut putih tebal di atasnya." Apa yang dimaksud/dirujuk/ditunjuk oleh kata yang digarisbawahi?)
     A. The television                        C. The lounge chair
     B. The bed                                D. The plants

6.    “I have a comfortable lounge chair....” The underlined word has the same meaning with ...
("Saya memiliki sebuah kursi santai yang nyaman..." Kata yang digarisbawahi memiliki arti yang sama dengan ...)
     A. Cozy                  C. Lazy
     B. Worried              D. Bright


  1. 1.C.To describe the writer's bedroom
    2. C. 2
    3. B. It is soft large square bed
    4. A. On the left and right side of the television
    5. B. the bed
    6. A. Cozy

  2. 1. C. To describe the writer's bedroom
    2. C. 2
    3. B. It is soft large square bed
    4. A. On the left and right side of the television
    5. B. the bed
    6. A. Cozy

  3. 1. C. To describe the writer's bedroom
    2. C. 2
    3. B. It is soft large square bed
    4. A. On the left and right side of the television
    5. C.the lounge chair
    6. A. Cozy

    1. Very Good!
      Your Score :83
      You are wrong at No. 5
      Keep on studying!
